04 June 2011

10 Things, vol 12

10 Things is my weekly list of things that are making me smile right now. Please share your own smiles in the comments!

1. Crocheted owls (for Prof.'s party table decorations)
2. Sleeping with the fan on
3. Talking on the phone with my siblings
4. I finally get to wear my super fancy heels tonight!
5. Baby tigers
6. Almond Joy flavored coffee creamer
7. "No socks needed" weather
8. Being totally finished with classes for the year
9. Coin jar full of coins - I'm rich!
10. Fancy bakery treats


kathy b said...

Totally done with class..thats awesome.

s a few of mine:
new ktitens to foster
blooming iris
porch naps
a night off from work!

Neuroknitter said...

The first peonies are in bloom in our garden! Yay and smiles! :)

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