01 August 2011

August challenges

In yesterday's post I mentioned two challenges that I'll be working to complete in August.  The first is creative, while the second is focused around physical health.

To push myself creatively this month, I'm going to use my camera more.  I did a fun photo project this weekend that I'll be sharing with you all tomorrow, and it made me want to be better about documenting knitting projects at various stages.  Then I thought, if I'm going to be carting the camera around to take more pictures of my knitting, why not take more pictures of everything?!  Then I calmed down and decided on the more modest goal of taking at least one photo per day. Results will be here on Sundays.

Let me preface this next bit by reassuring you all that I am a fan of my butt and the rest of my lovely self, and by "run your butt off!" I just mean "go run more often!"  Consistently going for afternoon runs at the gym has been wonderful these past two weeks, so I'm making a commitment to keep showing up and climbing on that treadmill at least 4 times a week.  Down with just plain walking!  Not really; I'll keep doing that, too.  Add in my yoga classes (hopefully 2 times a week, but at least once), and suddenly August becomes a month of super fitness. Hooray! Perhaps if I'm doing all this working out, I'll even do some menu planning... I'm not promising anything about that part.

So there you have it, friends: these are my challenges for the month.  Look out for progress posts and lots more photos coming up soon.


Anonymous said...

Have you heard of August Break? It starts today. :) Best of luck on your challenges.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, I look forward to all your photos! (Feel free to post as many knitting pics as you want though- I think they are so beautiful!)

I also admire your exercise stamina in this crazy heat! Lately I have felt like doing nothing more than lying on my floor directly under my ceiling fan.

lauren said...

Oooo let's follow up tomorrow's study party with an afternoon trip to the gym. Whaddya say?

Allison said...

Phoe, thanks for the tip! I'll probably still just post on Sundays, but I'm excited to see what other people do.
Katie, I have the perfect set-up of being in super-powered AC all morning and then the gym is only 2 blocks away. Otherwise I would melt and die.
Lauren, tomorrow is going to be the best!

Anonymous said...

oh my.. lovely photos, lovely knits, lovely reading, lovely links.. tooooo much lovliness! a blog after my own heart.. so glad to have stopped by, from the august break linkup! happy august break!

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