22 April 2011

Friday: Link Love

Hello and happy Friday! I can't believe it's been another week. The days around here seem to drag on and on while I sit in the library or at my desk doing homework, but then each week manages to fly by before I know what is happening. Taking the time to put this post together helped me reset a little bit in the midst of a crazy week, and I hope you can take a minute to relax and enjoy a few links on your Friday :)

*** This open letter between two fabulous knit bloggers made me smile. And as much as I love reading Mags' blog and checking out her amazing knitting, I have to agree with Mimi that Mags is crazy and the sock is CUTE.

image from Eskimimi Knits

*** Nut and Bee has some very sweet designs for pins, stationery, and prints. For example, this notepad:

image from Nut and Bee

*** Mollie at Wild Olive did a great post with people's answers to the question, "What talent do you have that you're not using to its fullest potential?" What a fantastic question and a neat way to focus in on a new goal! 
I think my answer would be my talent for organizing things. I am secretly an organizing superstar. Yet many areas of my house could use a little more organization (that dang yarn closet, my filing cabinet, my old coursework materials on my bookshelves); I know that if I actually sat down to start organizing, things would be in great shape pretty quickly.  Maybe I'll take a couple of hours this weekend to put my hidden talent to good use!  
What hidden or underdeveloped talents do you have? I'd love it if you'd share your own answer in the comments so we can all encourage each other :)

*** If you're looking for a last minute Easter craft (or really an anytime craft), check out these stuffed bunnies found over at Sew Tara. Aren't they cute?

image from Sew Tara blog


Anonymous said...

Well yes, I am crazy. But I assure you something happened in the post because they were UGLY when I still had them.

I think I need a bunny to hug. They're adorbs!

kathy b said...

WOw, you are making me thing again. An underdeveloped talent......well Photography I;ll say. I want to be so much better.!! I need to take a class I think.

By the way, I am dedicating my blog on monday and invite you over to do so too! Who would you dedicate your post or your entire blog to????? Kind of fun

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